Monthly Archives: January 2018

Bài mẫu cho đề thi IELTS writing ngày 18/1/2018

Gửi mọi người essay  cho đề thi IELTS writing ngày 18/1/2018 vừa rồi nhé. Có kèm giải thích một số từ vựng hữu ích phía dưới.

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? ANSWER

It is sometimes argued that, with the introduction of computers, the authorities should not waste money on the maintenance of public libraries. While this could be the case for several reasons, my view is that traditional libraries have important functions that computers cannot perform and therefore should be maintained for public access.

To a certain extent, computer technology can render libraries unimportant. Indeed, physical libraries provide readers with paper books or DVDs, for example, in limited numbers at certain times of the day, while an Internet-connected computer can bring even a limitless supply of digital-based information that can be accessed 24/7. There is also less effort involved in searching for digitalised information in a website or an ebook than in a large library. In addition, large sums of money need to be spent on staff members’ salaries or providing up-to-date reading materials which of course take additional space. In contrast, much lower costs are required to maintain and upgrade e-libraries where huge amounts of data are stored thanks to digital technology.

However, in my view, there are certain roles of traditional libraries that computers cannot take over. Firstly, in a physical library, it is not difficult to find comfortable and quiet spaces to enjoy reading a book. This is highly beneficial, given the increasing number of sources of noise surrounding us these days. Secondly, library users have access to more reliable sources of information. A great deal of online content we have today, meanwhile, is not censored, which possibly leads to a misinformed public.

In conclusion, although computers to a certain extent can replace traditional libraries in maintaining a well-informed society, I believe it would be wrong to say keeping libraries open is a waste of money.

287 words


  1. The maintenance of public libraries= duy trì thư viện công cộng
  2. A limitless supply of digital-based information = nguồn thông tin số vô tận
  3. Up-to-date reading materials = những tài liệu được cập nhật
  4. take over the role of smth = đảm nhiệm vai trò của cái gì
  5. reliable sources of information = các nguồn thông tin tin cậy
  6. a misinformed public = người dân bị đưa thông tin sai lệch
  7. maintain a well-informed society = duy trì một xã hội được cập nhật thông tin đầy đủ

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